
About LifeMap Discovery®

LifeMap Discovery is a state-of-the-art platform for embryonic development and stem cell biology research.

The database integrates information about embryonic development and stem cell biology, at molecular, cellular and anatomical levels, along with disease-related data and data mining tools. The database application provides a unique and powerful tool for research and discovery in multiple disciplines, including stem cell biology, developmental biology, disease mechanisms and etiology, drug and therapeutic discovery and development.

LifeMap Discovery includes information about:

  • Embryonic Development: Cellular differentiation that occurs during mammalian development, including multiple development paths as; blood, endothelium, motor neurons, bone, cartilage and many more... (Read more)
  • Stem Cell Differentiation: Information regarding cultured stem, progenitor and primary cells, along with related differentiation protocols... (Read more)
  • Regenerative Medicine: Medically relevant information relating to developmental diseases, regenerative medicine and cell therapy applications... (Read more)
  • Gene Expression: Gene expression information is supplied for organs, tissues, anatomical compartments and cells, as well as for stem, progenitor and primary cells, reported to be cultured in vitro... (Read more)

LifeMap Discovery is developed by LifeMap Sciences www.lifemapsc.com.

For more details about the platform and to inquire about licensing LifeMap Discovery, please contact us by clicking on the "Contact us" button

Please acknowledge Lifemap Discovery in your publications by citing the following reference:

LifeMap Discovery™: the embryonic development, stem cells, and regenerative medicine research portal. Edgar R, Mazor Y, Rinon A, Blumenthal J, Golan Y, Buzhor E, Livnat I, Ben-Ari S, Lieder I, Shitrit A, Gilboa Y, Ben-Yehudah A, Edri O, Shraga N, Bogoch Y, Leshansky L, Aharoni S, West MD, Warshawsky D, Shtrichman R. PLoS One. 2013 Jul 17;8(7) [Pubmed]

Current LifeMap Discovery Statistics:

Item Count
Organs / tissues83
Anatomical compartments588
Cells (in vivo)1003
In vitro cells707
Cell Therapies444
Unique genes18276
Curated unique genes13084
Manualy curated unique Genes3666
Incoming signals1823
Outgoing signals474
High throughput experiments287

All Images were designed and illustrated by Merav Babad and Zohar Nave