Body cavities: coelomic divisions
Body cavities: pleuropericardial and pleuroperitoneal membranes
Body cavities: the lesser peritoneal sac (omental bursa) and dorsal mesogastrium
Development of the mesenteries
Development of the diaphragm
THE BRANCHIAL APPARATUS The Face, Pharynx, and Related Branchial Derivatives
The branchial apparatus: the branchial (pharyngeal) arches
The pharyngeal clefts and pouches
Malformations related to the branchial apparatus
Branchial arch derivatives: the thyroid gland
The branchial apparatus: the floor of the pharynx -- tongue and associated structures
The face
Development of the palate
Congenital malformations of the lip and palate
THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Nasal Cavities, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, and Lungs
Development of the nasal cavities
Development of the lower respiratory system: larynx and trachea
Development of the lower respiratory system: the bronchi and surrounding structures
Development of the lower respiratory system: the lungs and terminal respiratory tubes
Development of the lower respiratory system: surfactant and respiratory movements
Malformations of the lower respiratory tract
Development of the muscular system
Development of the skeletal and articular systems: cartilage and bone histogenesis
Bone histogenesis: secondary ossification centers and joint development
Development of the axial skeleton
Appendicular skeleton and skull development
Congenital malformations of the skeletal system
Development of the limbs
Dermatome and cutaneous innervation of the limbs
Malformations of the appendicular skeleton (the limbs)
THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM The Skin, Cutaneous Appendages, and Teeth
Development of the integumentary system: ectodermal derivatives
Congenital malformations of the integumentary system
Development of the hair and associated structures
Development of the nails
Development of the mammary glands
Development of the teeth
Tooth eruption and malformations of the teeth
The digestive system: general introduction*
The foregut: esophagus and stomach
The foregut: the omental bursa and duodenum
The foregut: the liver and biliary apparatus (gallbladder and ducts)
The foregut: the pancreas and spleen
Development of the midgut: general introduction
The midgut: fixation, cecum and appendix
Development of the hindgut
Congenital malformations of the digestive system: foregut malformations
Congenital malformations of the digestive system: midgut malformations
Midgut malformations
Congenital malformations of digestive system: hindgut malformations
The urinary or excretory system: intermediate plate, nephrogenic cord, and pronephros
The urinary or excretory system: the mesonephros
The urinary or excretory system: the metanephros
The urinary or excretory system: the definitive kidney
The urinary or excretory system: the urinary bladder and urethra
Malformations of the urinary system
Malformations of the urinary system
The genital or reproductive system: the primitive genital system
Development of the testis
The genital or reproductive system: primive genital tracts and sex determination
Differentiation of the male genital tracts and auxiliary glands
Development of the male external genital organs
Inguinal canal development and testicular migration
Development of the female genital system: ovarian differentiation
Differentiation of the female genital tracts: uterus, vagina, auxiliary glands, mesenteries
Development of the upper and lower portions of the female genital tract
Development of the female external genital organs
Sexual anomalies of genetic and hormonal origin
Genital malformations the male
Uterovaginal malformations of the female
Adult derivatives of embryonic urogenital structures
THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEMCardiovascular and Lymphatic System
Hematopoiesis and general development of the circulatory system
Cardiovascular circulatory and lymphatic systems: early development
Development of the heart: cardiac tube development
Development of the heart: formation of the heart loop
Pericardial cavity development and primitive heart circulation
Atrioventricular and interatrial septation and development
Development of sinus venosus and associated veins
The right and left atrial walls and the venous valves
Septation of ventricles, truncus arteriosus, and conus cordis
The cardiac valves and conducting system
The primitive circulatory network
Development of the arterial system
The aortic arches
Development of the venous system: primitive venous network and superior vena cava
Development of the venous system: the inferior vena cava
Development of the venous system: the portal system and pulmonary veins
Development of the lymphatic system
The circulatory system before and after birth
Adult derivatives of fetal structures
Malformations of the cardiovascular system
Malformations of the heart and great vessels
Malformations of the heart and great vessels
Complex cardiac malformations
Early development of the nervous system
Early nervous system development: the neural tube and neural crest
General development of the central nervous system
Phylogenesis of the nervous system
Metameric organization of the nervous system
General considerations related to the anatomy of the spinal cord
The spinal cord: normal development
The spinal cord: differentiation of nerve and glial cells
The spinal cord: neural crest cells and myelination
Spinal cord length and spinal meninges
Malformations of the spinal cord
Introduction to brainstem development
The brainstem: myelencephalon (fifth vesicle) – basal motor plate
The brainstem: myelencephalon (fifth vesicle) – alar sensory and roof plates
The brainstem: metencephalon (fourth vesicle)
The brainstem: metencephalon (fourth vesicle) – the cerebellum
The brainstem: mesencephalon (third vesicle)
The peripheral nervous system and cranial nerves
The diencephalon (second vesicle)
The telencephalon (first vesicle): phylogenesis
The brain: the telencephalon (first vesicle)
The brain: the telencephalon (first vesicle) – lobes and pallial development
The telencephalon (first vesicle): development of the rhinencephalon
Histogenesis of the cerebral cortex
Commissures of the telencephalon
The coverings and vascularization of the brain
Malformations of the brain
Malformations of the brain
Malformations of the brain: hydrocephalus
The autonomic nervous system: the sympathetic system
The autonomic nervous system: the parasympathetic system
The olfactory system
The eye: optic cup and lens vesicle, retina, iris, and ciliary body
The eye: lens, choroid, sclera, cornea, and optic nerve
Congenital malformations of the eye
The vestibulocochlear system: the external ear and the eardrum (tympanic membrane)
The vestibulocochlear system: the internal ear – membranous labyrinth
The vestibulocochlear system: the internal ear – bony labyrinth
The vestibulocochlear system: histogenesis of the internal ear
The vestibulocochlear system: the middle ear
Congenital malformations of the vestibulocochlear system
The hypophysis (pituitary gland): glandular primordium
The hypophysis (pituitary gland): neural primordium and portal system
Role of the hypophysis (pituitary gland): physiology and pathology
The paraganglionic system: the paraganglia
Development of the adrenal (suprarenal) gland
Pathology associated with the adrenal gland