Introduction: the uterine tubes are paired structures about 10-15 cm long and 6-8 mm in diameter. One
end opens into the peritoneal cavity near the ovary; the other end opens into the superior lateral part
of the uterine cavity. The tube conducts the ova, discharged at ovulation, to the uterine cavity
Regions of the tube
INFUNDIBULUM: funnel-shaped, formed of a number of processes or fimbriae
AMPULLA: largest segment, thin-walled like the infundibulum
ISTHMUS: short segment, smaller in diameter and thicker walled than the ampulla
UTERINE OR INTERSTITIAL: segment embedded in uterine wall. Of small diameter (1 mm)
Histology of uterine tube: wall consists of a series of layers
MUCOSA: simple columnar type epithelium with some ciliated cells and others being narrow, peg-shaped,
and nonciliated
Secretes mucus and other substances to maintain ovum's journey through tube
Epithelial height and proportion of ciliated to nonciliated secretory cells vary and correlate with
menstrual cycle changes; , epithelium is taller in the first half of the follicular phase than second
half, and the relative number of nonciliated cells increases in the corpus luteum phas In addition,
the epithelium is low in pregnancy and the number of "peg" cells increases
Cilia of the epithelium beat toward the uterus
There are no glands in the tube
The mucosa of the infundibulum and ampulla have many tall folds with corresponding deep grooves. The
lumen is irregular. The folds decrease in height toward the uterus and are low in the isthmus. The uterine
portion of the tube has slight folds
MUSCULARIS: thickest in the isthmus and thins toward the fimbriated end
Has a well-developed inner circular layer and a thin outer longitudinal layer (the latter is complete
only in the isthmus)
The longitudinal muscle bundles are discontinuous in ampulla and may be absent in the fimbria
SEROSA has the usual structure of peritoneum
Blood supply: tubal branch of the uterine artery and small branches from the ovarian artery. The arteries
run in the stroma along the bases of the folds, giving rise to a dense capillary stromal network
The veins course similar to the arteries
Nerve supply: via the ovarian plexus and fibers from the inferior hypogastric plexus. Some fibers are
sensory, others are autonomic to muscle coats, and still others are vasomotor to the blood vessels
Lymphatic drainage: lymphatics follow the blood vessels and drain into the lumbar (or aortic) nodes