Major morphologic abnormalities occur during weeks 3 to 7. However, physiologic defects and minor morphologic
abnormalities do occur from week 8 to term
Weeks 1 and 2: period of dividing zygote, implantation, and bilaminar embryo
THE EMBRYO IS NOT NORMALLY SUSCEPTIBLE to teratogens during this period
A substance will damage either all or most of the cells at this time, resulting in prenatal death, or
the embryo will survive with few defects, if any
Week 3
THIS IS A HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERIOD for the developing heart and central nervous system
Highly sensitive for the heart from the middle of week 3 to week 6
Highly sensitive period for the central nervous system from the beginning of week 3 through early in
week 6
Week 4
DURING THIS PERIOD, the eyes, ears, arms, and legs begin to develop
Sensitive period for the eyes is the middle of week 4 to the middle of week 8
Sensitive period for the ears is the middle of week 4 to the middle of week 9
Sensitive period for the arms is the middle of week 4 to the end of week 7
Sensitive period for the legs is the middle of week 4 to the end of week 7
Week 6
THE TEETH are most sensitive between the end of week 6 until the end of week 8
THE PALATE is most sensitive between the end of week 6 until early in week 9
Week 7
THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA are most sensitive from the middle of week 7 until the end of week 9
Periods of lesser sensitivity to teratogens
THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: from early in week 6 to term
THE HEART: from late in week 6 to the end of week 8