SHORTLY AFTER FORMATION OF THE LENS VESICLE, the cells of the posterior wall elongate anteriorly and
form long fibers which gradually fill the vesicle lumen
THE PRIMARY LENS FIBERS reach the epithelium of the anterior wall of the vesicle by the end of week
7 and form the nucleus of the lens
Lens growth is not finished at this stage, but new, secondary lens fibers are continuously being added
to the central core from cells in the equatorial zone
The choroid, sclera, and cornea
By THE END OF WEEK 5 and when the optic cup and lens vesicle have formed, the eye primordium is completely
surrounded by loose mesenchyme
The mesenchyme differentiates into an inner layer (comparable to the pia mater of the brain) and an
outer layer (comparable to the dura mater)
The inner layer forms the highly vascularized pigmented layer, the choroid
The outer layer develops into the sclera and is continuous with the dura mater around the optic nerve
Mesenchyme layers over the anterior aspect of the eye differentiate in various ways
The cells arrange themselves so that a space, the anterior chamber, splits the mesenchyme into a thin
inner layer just in front of the lens and iris (the iridopupillary membrane) and a thick outer layer
continuous with the sclera
The anterior chamber itself is lined by flattened mesenchymal cells which form the posterior lining
of the cornea and the anterior covering of the iridopupillary membran The membrane in front of the lens
normally disappears
THE CORNEA, from outside to inside, is formed by
An epithelial layer derived from surface ectoderm
A layer of dense connective tissue, the substantia propria or stroma
An epithelial layer that borders the anterior chamber
THE MESENCHYME that surrounds the eye primordium also invades the inside of the optic cup via the choroid
It participates in formation of the hyaloid vessels (during intrauterine life, supplying the lens and
helping to form the vascular layer seen on the inner retinal surface)
Forms a delicate network of fibers between the lens and the retina, the interstitial spaces, which later
fill with a transparent gelatinous substance, the vitreous body
The optic nerve
THE OPTIC CUP is initially connected to the brain by the optic stalk
The choroid fissure is a groove on the stalk's ventral surface
The nerve fibers of the retina returning to the brain are found among the cells of the inner wall of
the stalk
DURING WEEK 7, the choroid fissure closes
WITH AN INCREASING NUMBER OF NERVE FIBERS growing toward the brain, the inner stalk walls increase in
size and fuse with the outer walls
The cells of the inner layer provide a network of neuroglia cells that support the optic nerve fibers.
Thus, the optic stalk is transformed into the optic nerve, and in its center is the hyaloid artery,
later called the central artery of the retina
The extrinsic motor muscles of the eye are derived from the peripheral mesenchyme
The eyelids are simple cutaneous folds, closed at first, but separate at about month 7. Their morphogenesis
is totally independent of that of the eye
The lacrimal glands are derived from small epithelial cords that penetrate the mesenchyme from the superoexternal
area of the conjunctival sac