Week 1 of development: the following structures appear in succession
THE TROPHOBLAST, during the morula stage, begins to differentiate from the superficial cellular layer
of the fertilized egg
BY THE BLASTOCYST STAGE, at about day 5, the trophoblast is differentiated (described with the placenta
since it gives rise to it)
IMPLANTATION begins about day 6
THE AMNIOTIC CAVITY, which is hollowed out from the middle of the inner cell mass (embryoblast) makes
its appearance with the beginning of the primitive yolk sac at about day 7 and is bounded by entoderm
and Heuser's membrane. By day 9, the primitive yolk sac is clearly seen
Weeks 2 and 3
The external layer is fused to the trophoblast to form the chorion
The internal layer is attached to the amnion and with it forms the somatopleure and with the
yolk sac forms the splanchnopleure
Between the 2 layers appears the extraembryonic coelom, except for the region of the connecting
stalk where the embryo is connected to the wall of the egg
THE AMNIOTIC CAVITY enlarges and is carried along by the edges of the embryonic disk during cephalocaudal
THE PRIMITIVE YOLK SAC is entirely bordered by entoderm which develops along Heuser's membrane
THE ALLANTOIS appears at the union of the caudal portions of the disk and the primitive yolk sac
Week 4
THE EXTRAEMBRYONIC COELOM gets smaller, and the amniotic cavity enlarges at the expense of the coelom
THE PRIMITIVE YOLK SAC constricts and the yolk sac appears, attached to the area of the primitive gut
by the future vitelline duct
THE ALLANTOIS progresses in the connecting stalk, along with the umbilical-allantoic vessels
Week 8
THE EXTRAEMBRYONIC COELOM disappears as it is affected by the development of the amniotic cavity
THE YOLK SAC is found up against the placental area, at the end of the long vitelline duct which later
THE ALLANTOIS, after being extended over almost the entire length of the umbilical cord, disappears
distally. The umbilical vessels, however, continue to develop
From the third month
THE YOLK SAC has disappeared almost completely
THE UMBILICAL CORD now contains only the umbilical vessels and remnants of the allantois and vitelline
THE AMNIOTIC CAVITY continues to grow until term, at which time it contains almost a liter (1000 ml)
of liquid - the so-called "bag of waters"
AT TERM, the membranes surround the placenta with the cord and fetal vessels in its center. The membranes
are torn during labor in order to permit delivery