Nails are modifications of the epidermis and correspond to the claws and hoofs of lower animals
THE FIRST INDICATION of a nail is foreshadowed at week 10 by a thickened area of epidermis, the nail
field, seen on the dorsum of each digit
The adjoining area, on each side and at the base of the field, tends to overgrow the field, giving rise
to shallow lateral nailfolds which continue into a much deeper proximal nailfold that
extends nearly to the proximal end of the terminal phalanx
Development at the tips of the fingers precedes the development of the toenails
THE MATERIAL of the true nail is developed within the underlayer of the proximal nailfold (although
the primitive nail field undergoes some local cornification and forms a so-called false nail). This
layer is named the matrix
During month 5, specialized keratin fibrils differentiate in the matrix layer, without having passed
through a keratohyalin or eleidin stage (ordinary method of cornification)
The keratinized cells flatten and consolidate into the compact tissue of which the nail plate
is composed
Thus, the nail substance differentiates in the proximal nailfold as far distal as the outer edge of
the lunula (the whitish crescent at the base of the exposed nail)
Beyond the lunula, the nail plate merely shifts progressively over the nail bed and reaches the
tip of the finger about 1 month before birth
The dermis, beneath the nail, is thrown into parallel longitudinal folds to produce the characteristic
ridges and grooves
THE STRATUM CORNEUM AND PERIDERM of the epidermis, for a time, cover completely the free nail and are
jointly referred to as the eponychium
This layer, in late fetuses, is lost except for horny portions that continue to adhere to the nail plate
along the curved rim of the nailfold (the cuticle)
UNDERNEATH THE FREE END of the nail, the epidermal cells also accumulate to form a piled-up epidermal
mass, the hyponychium, or substance beneath the nail
Nail anatomy
THE HORNY ZONE of the nail is composed of hard keratin and has a distal, exposed part or body,
and a proximal, hidden portion, the root
The root is covered by a prolongation of the stratum corneum of the skin which is composed of soft keratin
and is called the eponychium
The lunula or "half-moon" lies distal to the eponychium and is a part of the horny zone which is opaque
to the underlying capillaries
The horny zone of the nail is attached to the underlying nail bed
The matrix, or proximal part of the nail bed, produces hard keratin
The fingernails reach the fingertips by week 32, and the toenails reach the toe tops by week 36
On the average, after birth, the nail grows about 0.5 mm a week. They grow faster in the summer than
in the winter; growth is also age dependent
Malformations of the hair and nails
CONGENITAL ALOPECIA (atrichia congenita): fetal loss or absence of hair may occur by itself or with
other skin derivative abnormalities
HYPERTRICHOSIS: excessive hairiness due to the development of supernumerary follicles or persistence
of fetal hair that normally disappears
ANONYCHIA: partial or complete absence of the nails due to a failure of the matrix to form or give origin
to the nails