The hair appears as a solid epidermal downgrowth of the stratum germinativum into the underlying dermis
and is called the hair bud
THE DEEPEST PORTION OF THE HAIR BUD becomes club-shaped and forms the hair bulb
The epithelial cells of the hair bulb constitute the germinal matrix, which later will give rise
to the hair
The hair bulb is then invaginated by a small mesenchymal hair papillae
As the cells of the germinal matrix, in the center of the hair follicles, proliferate, they are pushed
upward and become keratinized forming the hair shaft. The peripheral cells of the developing
hair follicle form the epithelial root (hair) sheath
The surrounding mesenchymal cells differentiate into the dermal (connective tissue) root sheath
The hair grows, penetrates the epidermis, and appears above the skin surface
Melanoblasts invade the hair bulb and form melanocytes. They produce melanin which is transferred to
the hair-forming cells in the germinal matrix before birth
HAIRS BEGIN TO DEVELOP during early fetal life, but become visible at about week 20 on the eyebrows,
upper chin, and lips and are called the lanugo hairs
The lanugo are shed at about the time of birth and are later replaced by coarser hairs called vellus
hairs which arise from new hair follicles
The vellus persists over most of the body except in the axillary and pubic regions where, at puberty,
they are replaced by coarse terminal hairs (seen also on the chest and face in males)
THE ARRECTOR PILI MUSCLES are smooth muscle fibers which form from the surrounding mesenchyme and become
attached to the connective tissue sheath of the hair follicle and dermal papillary layer
The sebaceous glands develop as buds from the side of the developing epithelial root sheath of the hair
THE BUDS GROW into the surrounding connective tissue and branch to form the primordia of the glandular
alveoli and ducts
The central cells of the alveoli break down and form an oily secretion, the sebum, which is extruded
into the hair follicle and onto the skin surface to mix with the desquamated peridermal cells to help
form the vernix caseosa
INDEPENDENT GLANDS (not with hair follicles) also develop from the epidermis in the areas of the glans
penis and the labia minora
Sweat (eccrine or merocrine) glands develop as a solid epidermal bud which grows down into the underlying
AS THE BUD ELONGATES, its end coils to form the primordium of the glands secretory portion, while the
epithelial attachment to the epidermis forms the duct primordium
The central cells of the primordia degenerate to form a lumen
The peripheral cells of the secretory portion of the gland differentiate into secretory and
myoepithelial cells, the latter being specialized ectodermal smooth muscle cells which aid in expelling
the glandular secretion
Sweat (apocrine) glands in humans, are confined to the axilla, pubic areas, and areola of the mammary
THEY DEVELOP as downgrowths of the stratum germinativum of the epidermis
Their ducts open into the hair follicles and not on the skin surfac They open just above the sebaceous
Their chief function seems to be the production of small amounts of secretions which, on the surface,
give rise to distinctive odors that enable animals to recognize each other. Human apocrine sweat glands
have no odor in their secretion but contain substances readily degraded by bacteria into odiferous breakdown